Monday, April 12, 2010

Due Day?

Well, today is "the" day....and it looks like little Peanut is happy to stay put. If we haven't seen any action by Thursday morning, we'll try to stir things up a little bit (naturally-I'd like to avoid drug induction!). My favorite midwife goes on call on Thursday and it would be just about for perfect for Shane, since he'd get more time at home with us those first few days. But as we are finding out, you definitely can not plan these things!
Thursday doesn't seem too far away now, even though three weeks ago it would have seemed a century! So far, I'm feeling pretty good. Sleep is still a bit elusive, but Eli has been happy to have me take a nice nap with him in the afternoon. The baby does get on my nerves a bit-literally! Every once in a while, it must squish a nerve in my hip/back, because my right leg gives out a little (which must give anyone watching a good laugh!)
For now, we'll just keep counting down (or perhaps now we're counting up?) and enjoying our time with our precious little Eli until Peanut decides to join us.

1 comment:

Jeff, Rebekah, Chloe, and Wyatt said...

Hang in there! We're thinking of you and waiting to hear! It's no fun being over due, but sounds like your making the best of it! She or he will eventually decide to come into the world!! =)