Sunday, March 28, 2010


It is high time I post a few pictures, but for now I'll just give you a little update! Eli has been a lot more interested in my belly of late constantly asking, "Baby come out?" Which also happens to be the exact same thing we've been wondering about!

Our little peanut isn't due until April 12, but it turns out that having your first nearly 3 weeks early inspires you to think your second will do the same! I was showing signs of progressing at 36 weeks, but took it really easy since we wanted the baby to a) be full term and b) wait until after I finished parent-teacher conferences and passed my class off for the year.

Well, parent teacher conferences were done the evening of March 25 and we ended up hanging out in the hospital at 2 AM with false labor. What a weird experience! I definitely am trigger happy because of Eli being early and because my midwives have been warning me that this baby will likely come early and quickly. Now I know that false labor really does feel like real also makes you feel like the boy who cried wolf!

So, I'm just going to enjoy the next two weeks as much as possible! It will be fun to get some special time with Eli and catch up on a few little projects around here. Now, if I could just get some sleep! (Also new with this pregnancy...extreme insomnia! Hence the 5:00 AM post!)


Jason, Sarah, Tristan, Wade, and Owen said...

I'm sorry to hear about the insomnia and the false labor! No fun! Hopefully it comes soon and with no trouble. Then you can finally get some sleep! Ha! :)

Elissa & Logan said...

Thinking of you as you're waiting (patiently...or not...hehe) I really do hope that your second labor is easier and faster...turned outo to be a lie for me! eep! The anticipation is immense. For you, Im sure, AND your blog readers! :)

Tawn said...

Sending "come now baby" messages to your child. doesn't it seem the days just get longer and longer and sleep more and more elusive, so may your baby come soon!