Thursday, July 9, 2009

Heather's Birthday Surprise

My older sister, Heather, turned 30 last month. We wanted to do something extra special, so my little sister, Sara, and I put our heads together to come up with a little surprise. My mom helped us pull the whole thing off. We showed up at her doorstep at 7 am and sang her Happy Birthday with a candlelit muffin. Then we rushed her into the shower and out the door to begin the Scavenger hunt that Sara had planned. Each clue in the hunt lead her to something relaxing/special/that mom's never get to do. She started at Starbucks, from there did a little shopping, then off to lunch with a friend, next a manicure/pedicure, a little more shopping and finally a dinner date with her husband.

Meanwhile, we were back at her house having a blast transforming her bedroom. I'd been plotting, scheming, and otherwise planning the bedroom makeover for about a month, so it gave me a chance to have all of the sewing and painting (aside from the walls, of course) done in advance. From 7:30am to 9:30pm we emptied, painted, reorganized, re-furnished and re-decorated her room. I just found out that "Trading Spaces" takes 2 whole days to do what we did-ha-take that! It was an absolute blast. Andy, Heather's husband, had a bunch of her friends come over at 9:30 and they hid in her room to surprise her too. Needless to say, she was surprised! It was such a fun day. Heather is the sweetest, most giving person so it was especially fun to do something special for her!


Randy and Amy said...

Oh my goodness!!! Wow! What a great job.

AdNJen said...

That is so great! I LOVE the color scheme! (My birthday is in January...if you want to start planning! :P )

Troy, Lisa, and Braden said...

You pulled off a good one! It looks terrific!