October 16, 2010
My Little Love,
As I write this you are snuggled up in your crib, holding your Bear-bear under one arm and your blankie under the other. And somewhere in there with the teddy and blanket, you are also holding my heart. In the 6 months since you joined us, we’ve all found that our hearts have grown with love for you. It’s so hard for me to believe it has been a half of a year since you were born because I can’t imagine our lives without you!
We’ve decided that you are much like a little Santa…you are the jiggliest, jolliest little fellow! You laugh at the littlest things and have the most adorable belly laugh. It doesn’t matter where we tickle you either, because it’s always puts you into hysterics. Eli loves tickling your chin while saying, “Emmett, you have a file (smile) in there!” However, I admit that your hunky chunky little thighs are my favorite place to squeeze! Buddy, you are such Chunky McChunkster and I love it!
It should come as know surprise that you are a rolly little fellow since you LOVE to eat! You had your first bite of “real” food 2 weeks ago and are a very big fan of eating. The only thing that you dislike is when I don’t get the spoon to your mouth fast enough. So far you have tried oatmeal baby cereal, carrots, pears and sweet potatoes. At this point, just about everything, food or not, goes in your mouth. You are working very hard to cut teeth and love chewing on stuffed animals, baby spoons, blankets and just about anything that will hold still.
You are learning to do so many things right now, but mobility seems to be on the top of your list. I shouldn’t be surprised since you were early to roll over, but you can now scoot yourself backwards and “bull doze” forwards. It seems that you never actually stay on the blanket anymore. The other day, I found you wedged with your little head peeking out from under the crib when I turned my back for a few minutes…you seemed pretty pleased with yourself! I’m sure it won’t be long now until you are off and crawling. You’ve even been practicing your new skills by rolling over in your sleep. Speaking of sleep, that has been an interesting journey! Mommy discovered that you are actually very good at telling me when you are tired…I just had to be more observant. You always rub your eyes and yawn when you are ready for a rest and fall happily asleep, IF you are in your own bed. Usually you are complacent and easy going whatever the situation (to the point of people wondering where you are in a room) but this is the one and only thing you are very particular about!
Sweetie pie, there are so many things I want to remember about you right now! Your happy little smiles, the way you snuggle near and close your eyes whenever I sing your lullaby, how you laugh at Eli as he pushes you on the swing, the way you stare up at Daddy and reach for his whiskers, how you squeal when we play pat-a-cake…so many things I never want to forget!
Emmett, love, you are a joy beyond words and am looking forward to each moment and milestone that lies ahead.
All my heart, (since you have it already)
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