Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Eli's Three Year Letter
Since I don't have traditional baby books for the boys, these letters are one of the ways I keep track of their moments and milestones. They make for a lengthy post, but I know the grandma's appreciate them!
My Little Snuggle Puppy,
Do you remember the Snuggle Puppy book? You wanted Daddy to read it to you every single night for months! I won’t forget the silly song that went with it, just like I won’t forget the many zany, special, sweet moments you’ve given us this past six months.
It’s very hard for me to believe my tiny little 6 pound, 12 ounce baby boy is a great big 3 year old. I guess “great big” is a bit of a stretch since you are just 30 pounds and in the 50% for height and weight, but you seem so grown up! All anyone has to do is ask and you will proudly tell then you are “free!” while attempting to hold up three fingers. In the past six months, you have grown in so many ways and learned to do so many new things!
One of your big accomplishments was learning how to go potty on the big boy potty! It took a few days, lot of mini-marshmallows, and a handful of “Oop-dees!” (“whoop sees”) to get the hang of it. You were so proud to wear big boy undies that you showed them to everyone. Though when it comes to actually using the john, you ask for help to get situated then request, “Get out peas. Me need pie-yacy.”
It seems that each day brings something new that you have mastered. Throughout the day I hear, “Mom! Wat me do dis twick!” as you discover a new ability or meet a new challenge. About a month ago, you surprised me by showing me your “name” on a development sign while we were out for our walk. Since then, you’ve been crazy about finding your “letter” (E) on any kind of print. A few days after this big discovery, you were sitting in time-out on the stairs watching the clock tick down. I kept hearing, “That my letter! (long pause) That my letter!” It took me a minute to figure out that you thought the 3 looked like your E and every time it appeared, you wanted me to know. Silly boy! You’ve been singing the ABC’s, but apparently don’t yet feel a need to include letters E-K…eh, who needs them anyways, right? You’ve also been counting often and most of the time can count 1-5 consistently. Though there are still many days when it is, “2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 6!” Lately, I’ve been finding you “reading” books on your own (Three Billy Goats Gruff and Red Hat, Blue Hat especially.) You still love to be read to and also enjoy going to family story time at the public library.
And then of course there are your absolute favorite books...anything with heavy equipment. We’ve checked them all out from library at least twice. You’re a good student too because you know just about every kind of equipment by name. While driving, I pointed out a “back hoe” to you and you scowled and replied, “Dat no back hoe! Dat weelyoader!” And you know what? It was. I shouldn’t be surprised that you’re gaga over heavy equipment, though, since your crazy about everything that is affiliated with Daddy. (Except his deer in the living room…dat deer scawy.) Each morning when you wake up you ask, “Where Daddy Shane go? He at his work job? He drive big ecabator?” And when Daddy is not at his work job, you are following him around, requesting his attention by yelling, “Hey Shane! What doing?” Whatever it is, he can be sure you’ll want to copy him. Unbeknownst to you, we had a bat in the house one night this summer. You happily followed daddy around the next day while he filled every crack with foam insulation. The next day, I found you shoving playdough in a crack on the stairs. Your explanation? “I fict dis so no bat go in there.” Oh, buddy…it’s all I can do to keep a straight face, and mostly I don’t!
Of all the things you are learning to do, being a wonderful big brother is certainly one of them. Since Emmett joined our family 6 months ago, you have become the most wonderful brother he could ask for. When he was first born, you would wake up first thing and ask, “Where Baby Emmett go?!” And the minute you saw him crack an eye, you would yell, “Baby Emmett wake up!” You happily share many things with him…your room, blankies, sometimes your precious little Lambie, and you’ve even tried to share your snacks with him (while asking, “Emmett have teef?”) He is your biggest fan and adores everything you do. Out of everyone in our family, you are the one who can make him laugh the hardest. (Tickling his chin while asking, “You have a file (smile) in there?” always seems to do the trick!) You’re also very good about helping your little brother learn how things work in this household. The other day I was encouraging him to say “daddy. Dadadada.” And you stepped in to set the record straight. “No Emmett. Do dis. Daaaaddy Shaaaaane.” Emmett’s arrival has sparked a very nurturing nature in you and now you tell me that Lambie is your baby. He’s carefully wrapped in burp clothes, patted, nursed (I’m sure you’ll love to hear this when you are 16) and placed in every baby seat in the house. When Emmett cries, I’ve been trying to help you understand that’s how he explains what he needs by telling you, “Oh, Emmett is telling Mommy, “I’m hungry/tired.” So the other day when he was in his high chair, you helpfully interpreted his cries for me. “Mommy, Emmett say, “I hungee. Me want ice ceam!” I can laugh at all of the funny things you do with your brother, but my heart absolutely melts when you squeeze him tight and exclaim, “I yuv my bruver!”
And try as I might, I won’t be able to fit all of the zany, sweet things that you do into one little letter. So just a couple more things that I just don’t want to forget…
*Rriding in the car on a long trip, we heard you laughing hysterically. When I asked you what was so funny, you demonstrated and said, “Me tickle me!!”
*While standing in line at the hardware store, you noticed some packages. “What dis, Mommy?” you asked. “Deese earpugs?” Nope buddy. Those are candy corn.
*I told you I was putting on your Carhartt shirt. Your reply? “I no see no car. Where dat car go?”
*While Emmett was crying on the baby monitor, you grabbed and yelled into it, “It ok, bruver! I hear you! I coming!”
*While looking at your baby pictures, “Eli come out of mommy’s tummy too?? At hosp?”
*You still are crazy over gum. We are instilling the value of saving (ha!) by allowing you to take money out of your piggy bank to buy a pack all by yourself at the store.
*Your friends right now are Kaylee, Asher, Austyn, and Ashlynn.
*You love pretend play…hunting, dinosaurs, tea party, doctor, dentist, and building of any kind “I a worker guy.”
I could go on and on about the new things you’ve done lately, but know what my favorite things are? The things that don’t change…like how you still want me to sing you your lullaby at night, how you still don’t like vegetables (ok, maybe I don’t love this one), how you still need Lambie to sleep, how you still run to me when you are hurt or scared, how you still carefully observe new situations. Each year I love the “old” things about you more and each day brings something new to love about you!
I love you buddy!
All my love, Mommy
My Little Snuggle Puppy,
Do you remember the Snuggle Puppy book? You wanted Daddy to read it to you every single night for months! I won’t forget the silly song that went with it, just like I won’t forget the many zany, special, sweet moments you’ve given us this past six months.
It’s very hard for me to believe my tiny little 6 pound, 12 ounce baby boy is a great big 3 year old. I guess “great big” is a bit of a stretch since you are just 30 pounds and in the 50% for height and weight, but you seem so grown up! All anyone has to do is ask and you will proudly tell then you are “free!” while attempting to hold up three fingers. In the past six months, you have grown in so many ways and learned to do so many new things!
One of your big accomplishments was learning how to go potty on the big boy potty! It took a few days, lot of mini-marshmallows, and a handful of “Oop-dees!” (“whoop sees”) to get the hang of it. You were so proud to wear big boy undies that you showed them to everyone. Though when it comes to actually using the john, you ask for help to get situated then request, “Get out peas. Me need pie-yacy.”
It seems that each day brings something new that you have mastered. Throughout the day I hear, “Mom! Wat me do dis twick!” as you discover a new ability or meet a new challenge. About a month ago, you surprised me by showing me your “name” on a development sign while we were out for our walk. Since then, you’ve been crazy about finding your “letter” (E) on any kind of print. A few days after this big discovery, you were sitting in time-out on the stairs watching the clock tick down. I kept hearing, “That my letter! (long pause) That my letter!” It took me a minute to figure out that you thought the 3 looked like your E and every time it appeared, you wanted me to know. Silly boy! You’ve been singing the ABC’s, but apparently don’t yet feel a need to include letters E-K…eh, who needs them anyways, right? You’ve also been counting often and most of the time can count 1-5 consistently. Though there are still many days when it is, “2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 6!” Lately, I’ve been finding you “reading” books on your own (Three Billy Goats Gruff and Red Hat, Blue Hat especially.) You still love to be read to and also enjoy going to family story time at the public library.
And then of course there are your absolute favorite books...anything with heavy equipment. We’ve checked them all out from library at least twice. You’re a good student too because you know just about every kind of equipment by name. While driving, I pointed out a “back hoe” to you and you scowled and replied, “Dat no back hoe! Dat weelyoader!” And you know what? It was. I shouldn’t be surprised that you’re gaga over heavy equipment, though, since your crazy about everything that is affiliated with Daddy. (Except his deer in the living room…dat deer scawy.) Each morning when you wake up you ask, “Where Daddy Shane go? He at his work job? He drive big ecabator?” And when Daddy is not at his work job, you are following him around, requesting his attention by yelling, “Hey Shane! What doing?” Whatever it is, he can be sure you’ll want to copy him. Unbeknownst to you, we had a bat in the house one night this summer. You happily followed daddy around the next day while he filled every crack with foam insulation. The next day, I found you shoving playdough in a crack on the stairs. Your explanation? “I fict dis so no bat go in there.” Oh, buddy…it’s all I can do to keep a straight face, and mostly I don’t!
Of all the things you are learning to do, being a wonderful big brother is certainly one of them. Since Emmett joined our family 6 months ago, you have become the most wonderful brother he could ask for. When he was first born, you would wake up first thing and ask, “Where Baby Emmett go?!” And the minute you saw him crack an eye, you would yell, “Baby Emmett wake up!” You happily share many things with him…your room, blankies, sometimes your precious little Lambie, and you’ve even tried to share your snacks with him (while asking, “Emmett have teef?”) He is your biggest fan and adores everything you do. Out of everyone in our family, you are the one who can make him laugh the hardest. (Tickling his chin while asking, “You have a file (smile) in there?” always seems to do the trick!) You’re also very good about helping your little brother learn how things work in this household. The other day I was encouraging him to say “daddy. Dadadada.” And you stepped in to set the record straight. “No Emmett. Do dis. Daaaaddy Shaaaaane.” Emmett’s arrival has sparked a very nurturing nature in you and now you tell me that Lambie is your baby. He’s carefully wrapped in burp clothes, patted, nursed (I’m sure you’ll love to hear this when you are 16) and placed in every baby seat in the house. When Emmett cries, I’ve been trying to help you understand that’s how he explains what he needs by telling you, “Oh, Emmett is telling Mommy, “I’m hungry/tired.” So the other day when he was in his high chair, you helpfully interpreted his cries for me. “Mommy, Emmett say, “I hungee. Me want ice ceam!” I can laugh at all of the funny things you do with your brother, but my heart absolutely melts when you squeeze him tight and exclaim, “I yuv my bruver!”
And try as I might, I won’t be able to fit all of the zany, sweet things that you do into one little letter. So just a couple more things that I just don’t want to forget…
*Rriding in the car on a long trip, we heard you laughing hysterically. When I asked you what was so funny, you demonstrated and said, “Me tickle me!!”
*While standing in line at the hardware store, you noticed some packages. “What dis, Mommy?” you asked. “Deese earpugs?” Nope buddy. Those are candy corn.
*I told you I was putting on your Carhartt shirt. Your reply? “I no see no car. Where dat car go?”
*While Emmett was crying on the baby monitor, you grabbed and yelled into it, “It ok, bruver! I hear you! I coming!”
*While looking at your baby pictures, “Eli come out of mommy’s tummy too?? At hosp?”
*You still are crazy over gum. We are instilling the value of saving (ha!) by allowing you to take money out of your piggy bank to buy a pack all by yourself at the store.
*Your friends right now are Kaylee, Asher, Austyn, and Ashlynn.
*You love pretend play…hunting, dinosaurs, tea party, doctor, dentist, and building of any kind “I a worker guy.”
I could go on and on about the new things you’ve done lately, but know what my favorite things are? The things that don’t change…like how you still want me to sing you your lullaby at night, how you still don’t like vegetables (ok, maybe I don’t love this one), how you still need Lambie to sleep, how you still run to me when you are hurt or scared, how you still carefully observe new situations. Each year I love the “old” things about you more and each day brings something new to love about you!
I love you buddy!
All my love, Mommy
Friday, October 15, 2010
Who Needs E,F,G,H,I,J or K Anyways??
I just put this new magnetic board up in the playroom and it's been a big hit with Eli. Apparently, it's a good place to practice your ABC's...or at least some of them.
Emmett is 6 Months Old!

October 16, 2010
My Little Love,
As I write this you are snuggled up in your crib, holding your Bear-bear under one arm and your blankie under the other. And somewhere in there with the teddy and blanket, you are also holding my heart. In the 6 months since you joined us, we’ve all found that our hearts have grown with love for you. It’s so hard for me to believe it has been a half of a year since you were born because I can’t imagine our lives without you!
We’ve decided that you are much like a little Santa…you are the jiggliest, jolliest little fellow! You laugh at the littlest things and have the most adorable belly laugh. It doesn’t matter where we tickle you either, because it’s always puts you into hysterics. Eli loves tickling your chin while saying, “Emmett, you have a file (smile) in there!” However, I admit that your hunky chunky little thighs are my favorite place to squeeze! Buddy, you are such Chunky McChunkster and I love it!
It should come as know surprise that you are a rolly little fellow since you LOVE to eat! You had your first bite of “real” food 2 weeks ago and are a very big fan of eating. The only thing that you dislike is when I don’t get the spoon to your mouth fast enough. So far you have tried oatmeal baby cereal, carrots, pears and sweet potatoes. At this point, just about everything, food or not, goes in your mouth. You are working very hard to cut teeth and love chewing on stuffed animals, baby spoons, blankets and just about anything that will hold still.
You are learning to do so many things right now, but mobility seems to be on the top of your list. I shouldn’t be surprised since you were early to roll over, but you can now scoot yourself backwards and “bull doze” forwards. It seems that you never actually stay on the blanket anymore. The other day, I found you wedged with your little head peeking out from under the crib when I turned my back for a few minutes…you seemed pretty pleased with yourself! I’m sure it won’t be long now until you are off and crawling. You’ve even been practicing your new skills by rolling over in your sleep. Speaking of sleep, that has been an interesting journey! Mommy discovered that you are actually very good at telling me when you are tired…I just had to be more observant. You always rub your eyes and yawn when you are ready for a rest and fall happily asleep, IF you are in your own bed. Usually you are complacent and easy going whatever the situation (to the point of people wondering where you are in a room) but this is the one and only thing you are very particular about!
Sweetie pie, there are so many things I want to remember about you right now! Your happy little smiles, the way you snuggle near and close your eyes whenever I sing your lullaby, how you laugh at Eli as he pushes you on the swing, the way you stare up at Daddy and reach for his whiskers, how you squeal when we play pat-a-cake…so many things I never want to forget!
Emmett, love, you are a joy beyond words and am looking forward to each moment and milestone that lies ahead.
All my heart, (since you have it already)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Business as usual?

Have you ever done something and thought,"this would be the coolest job." Well, that's what I've been thought each time I've done flowers for a friend's wedding, repurposed some junk into something cool, figured out how to divide my daisies, or generally worked on decorating, design or gardening of any kind. So this summer I started toying with the idea of having a roadside flower stand. The only problem is that it would cost a bunch to get up and running and not really make a lot of money. So, I put the idea away, only to come back to it again and again. And then it just all kind of clicked. I decided that instead of just selling flowers what I want to do is be a florist. Only having worked in a florist shop for 5 years, I know that I don't really want to be a full time florist. So how to be a "part-time" florist?? I'm going to grow and design flowers for wedding and events, holidays and do a monthly/weekly delivery program based on subscriptions. At least that's the vision right now. Since we live in Western Washington, we have oodles of options for cut flowers and greenery for a good chunk of the year, but I'll also be working with our local floral wholesaler for the times when I can't grow what I need. Because I'll do event and subscription based work, I will have the benefit of being able to tightly control my inventory. And obviously, my number one goal is being with the boys, so this allows me to work at home and be away from them as little as possible. I love teaching, but any teacher out there knows how time consuming the job really is. And I'm not saying I'm done with teaching, but I would love to give this an honest shake and see where it goes. I've been picking the brain of every small business owner I know (If I haven't got to you yet, I'd love your input!). To say that I am excited about the venture would be quite an understatement, however I'm also very nervous about actually making it fly! I have a blog set up for the business and will get a web page soon, so please, please visit it! Twig and Vine would love some followers! Wish me luck!
Do like brother does...
Eli's Free!
Just ask Eli and he will tell you...he's "free" now! His birthday party was a hit. He had been asking for a "big ecabator" cake for about a month. He definitely was pleased with it! We had a beautiful sunny skies on the day of his birthday and bitg plans for sandbox fun, but the hornets and wind rained on that parade. It still was a blast! Eli got so many thoughtful gifts from friends and family. Shane and I got him the strider bike and he's already beginning to pull his feet up and balance on it. If you've never seen them, check them out! At the end of the day, we realized sweet little Emmett hadn't made a peep the entire party. He was happy to be passed around and watch all of the goings on.

We love Daddy's Grandma's!

Along with the Puyallup adventure, we got to spend 3 special nights with Great Grandpa and Great Grandma. Eli is just starting to be aware of how all of our relatives are connected, but the idea of him having "great" grandparents must have been too much to figure, so he just called Grandma AND Grandpa "Daddy's Grandma." Grandma, being the grandma that she is, made Eli all of his favorites for his birthday dinner (which we actually had the night before his birthday.) We also got to hang out with Rebekah, Chloe and Wyatt for 2 days which was a rare treat!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Trip to the Fair
This year for Eli's third birthday, we met up with all of the K. cousins for some fun at the fair. The first picture shows what Eli was doing at exactly 12:28 (the time he was born) on his birthday. The rest, well, you know...we did the Puyallup!
We saw, we ate, we rode (Well, everyone else did...Eli got on, and immeditately off the carosel and the cute little motorcycle), we saw some more, and of course we ate some more! It has been a LONG time since I've been to the fair and it brought back lots of memories...that's where Shane and I went on our first "date." (With our cow and our horse!)

We saw, we ate, we rode (Well, everyone else did...Eli got on, and immeditately off the carosel and the cute little motorcycle), we saw some more, and of course we ate some more! It has been a LONG time since I've been to the fair and it brought back lots of memories...that's where Shane and I went on our first "date." (With our cow and our horse!)

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