December was a busy, fun month! Just a few pictures that capture what we (more like Eli) have been up to...
Jammies? Check! Coat? Check! Boots? Check! Eli has taken to getting ready to go "side" (outside) all by himself lately. It usually involves a backwards and shoes on the wrong feet.

The perfect little gift. Apparently, Eli has been paying attention to how Shane gets dressed and insisted that he should have a tie on last Sunday too. He even went a dredged up a ribbon and made Shane put it on!

Learning the finer points of making orange slice smiley-faces ( the lessons on posing for self-portraits were less successful)...

Saying hello to the snowman we built on our ONE snow day.

Is he not the cutest little guy ever?! We had a week of freezing weather, and Eli took to refusing to wear mittens. Instead he walked/rode around with his hands shoved in his pockets...silly boy!

"Sew-men" have been a big hit around our house. Bet you didn't know snowmen could ride horses!

We had a few guests this month, and since then, Eli has been pretty interested in the guest bedroom. Of course he likes to get all snuggled up
right after I've put clean sheets on...I guess that's when it's coziest.

Decking the halls...

My Dad and Mom planted a Christmas tree "farm" a few years ago. Lucky us to get to have my Dad come spend a few days with us AND bring us a tree that he harvested just for Eli! Eli loved decorating it so much that I had to take
off the ornaments over and over again so he could hang them back up. Too bad the thing fell over...twice! Note to self: rustic, charming crock does NOT make a sturdy tree stand.

Hanging out with "Pop." The other kids in my family call granpa "Papa" but Eli seems to prefer just plain old "Pop." Dad had to work in Darrington and was able to stay with us for 4 nights. It was so much fun to get to spend some time with him! Eli adores his Pop and waited patiently every night for him to come home.

Ok, this isn't actually December, but who's counting? We had a blast hanging out with my family for Thanksgiving. Maddy, Kailer and Eli proved that three is not a crowd.

After we had our little family photo shoot, the kids exchanged Christmas gifts.
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