(What do you mean you're supposed to listen to these things?! It's way more fun like this!)

Using the drawer to climb the hope chest. (Eli now sits on the window sill and watches the world go by! Today he was perched on up there holding the "blessings" sign-unfortunately I wasn't fast enough for that Kodak moment!)

Michael needed a smaller carseat for the first month, so Eli was happy to share his old one. Mandy returned it the other day and it quickly became the coolest toy in the house. Here's Eli taking the base for a spin...
Last Saturday I got to enjoy an extremely fun "girl's day" with Amy and Beth. We spent something like 6 hours in Ikea. I was a frugal spender(ok, mostly) and came away with this as my big purchase. Is this not the coolest table and chairs set? Here Eli is trying it out for the first time. It has already been a huge hit and I can see we'll get tons of use out of it. (Now I just have to decide how to paint it....any ideas?) Eli has already figured out how to push the chairs into the kitchen and use them to reach whatever's on the counter-oh, boy!
Now this is how you color!

And this just goes to prove that boys aren't all rough and tumble all the time....

Eli has this doll (I'm not sure where it came from, but it's dressed in blue and therefore deemed ok by Daddy!). He loves to give it kisses, pat it (more like smack) on the back and carry it around the house. He is such a sweet little boy!

Michael needed a smaller carseat for the first month, so Eli was happy to share his old one. Mandy returned it the other day and it quickly became the coolest toy in the house. Here's Eli taking the base for a spin...

And this just goes to prove that boys aren't all rough and tumble all the time....

Eli has this doll (I'm not sure where it came from, but it's dressed in blue and therefore deemed ok by Daddy!). He loves to give it kisses, pat it (more like smack) on the back and carry it around the house. He is such a sweet little boy!
Loved the mental picture of Eli sitting up there holding the "Blessings" sign- gave me a good laugh! The ones of him with the baby are so precious, especially since I can just picture how he would be with it- knowing his sweet lttle personality!
What great pictures of a cute little boy! We don't have a baby at our house, but a frog, monkey, and bear have been treated that same way! Sooo precious, Eli!
I loved the destroyed tape picture - I can relate to that one - my favorite kids tape ended up just like that! I think I missed it more than Ashlyn did :) Love the baby doll pic too - Caleb's been lovin' Ashlyn's little dolly lately. He looks so innocently cute with it, until I catch his eye, then he grins and will sometimes throw it to say "I wasn't REALLY cuddling a doll!"
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