Sunday, January 11, 2009

Gotta Love Computers!

Our computer crashed over Christmas, so we were offline for a while. We're back in business-sorta...I can't figure out how to disable the new antivirus protection so that it will enable me to post pictures/change html input this will be a very boring post!

Eli seemed to love Christmas and especially enjoyed being showered with attention from all the grandparents and uncles and aunts. He also seemed to really be interested in his cousins and enjoyed "sharing" toys, reading books together and playing chase. He is doing so many new and funny things each day! He learned how to say hot (though it comes out more like "haw") and happily tells us that every dish or piece of food is "haw." He's also signing please for everything now, which is both adorable and helpful. It definitely wasn't easy going back to work last week-I had gotten used to spending the whole day with him!

Work is going well and there's not too much new with me. Shane celebrated his 28th birthday on Tuesday. We celebrated Saturday with birthday dinner and round of "Settlers of Catan" with Dan, Jeanne, our buddy Shaun (from MT) and his girlfriend, Emily.

In other news, my sister, Sara has a Be sure to visit them and check back here soon for pictures!

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