We had a couple Christmas celebrations this year. Wanting to start our own tradition, we spent an special evening together at home before heading out to Grandpa and Grandma's on Wednesday.
I made us all "special milk" (egg nog) which Eli LOVED and insisted on calling "fat juice." He likes to call all things to drink "juice" and apparently pronounces special as "fat." Either that or he was trying to guilt his mommy out of drinking calorie-laden beverages...

Checking out what their stockings. I'm sure Eli is thinking, "Wow, Daddy. That really stinks...I get candy and you get a toothbrush."

One of Eli's new gifts was a doctor kit from us. He insists on me being his patient many times a day-mostly so he can give me a shot. At least he kisses it better.

We headed over to the Peninsula to celebrate Christmas with Shane's family. These are the pictures teenagers hate to see...

All of his favorite things...crackers, cheese and meat!

Opening one of MANY presents!

After Eli opened this dump truck, we could not get him to open any of his other presents.

It's always so special to get to spend time with our dear Grandma Lillian! She is the dearest great granny!

Can you spot Eli? If there is a movie to be seen, you can bet he'll be there! The "older" kids had fun watching a new cartoon while the grown ups exchanged multiple jabs and laughs in our first annual White Elephant gift exchange.