Over the past few weeks, we've been getting random yellow jackets upstairs. At first we figured they were just getting in through open doors, etc. However, over the last week, we've been finding 4-5 yellow jackets upstairs in a day. We should have been clued in that we had a real problem, but I guess we've just gotten used to this old house and it's bugs. It took Eli getting stung yesterday for us to get serious. He picked up a yellow jacket and got a nasty sting on his thumb. He was uncomfortable and very grumpy, but luckily had no reaction...a call to the doctor informed me that it's the second sting, not the first, that will yield an allergic reaction if there's going to be one.
When Shane got home, he took a flashlight and started checking the dormer spaces. When he came downstairs whitefaced, I knew it had to be bad. This picture is off the internet (because there is no way I'm going to try to take a picture of our yellow jacket nest) and is actually smaller than the nest in our dormer. Shane said it is about 3 feet across and hangs from the rafters to the floor (about 4 feet high). Worst of all, it's in the dormer right next to Eli's bedroom!

Of course, we totally freaked out and called an exterminator. They should be here this afternoon, but I have no idea how they get rid of something this BIG! I did a little research and found that freakishly large nests are becoming more prevalent and scientists aren't sure why, though they speculate it has something to do with warm winters.
So, here we sit...yellow jacket infestation, leaking kitchen faucet, and molding bathroom wall wondering, "Why did we buy an old house?!" (Can you tell it's been one of those days?!)
Oh my gosh, Deanna! I would be freaking out... and probably go to stay the night at my parents until it was gone (I'm a wimp)! Let me know how they "take care ot it". Good Luck!
Oh no! SO sorry to hear about your yellow jacket problem!! I would be completely creeped out, too! Just reading about it and looking at the picture gave me goose bumps...good luck getting a quick fix!
Deanna! So crazy! I am glad that it all is going to work out! I am sitting in the hospital and the nurse just explained why it is the second sting that shows an allergic reaction. Very interesting. Please give Eli a squeeze for me and a squeeze for you. Love ya and miss seeing you. Thanks for your messages.
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