-9 Days until School Starts
(I've been doing the mad-scramble to get my class set up and materials ready. Maddy started full-time today with Eli. I am so thankful for her! It makes it so much easier to leave each day knowing he's in loving hands!)
-27 Days until Eli's FIRST birthday
(How can that be? He is the most adorable little guy ever! Currently he is learning to cruise, trying to stand alone, and really enjoying having stories read to him. The past few weeks his favorite book has been " Peekabo Baby." He actually lifts the flap for each page and turns the page-smart boy! I really will try to get pictures of him posted soon...)
-3 More Mondays until Shane's big hunt
(Shane drew a coveted mule deer tag for a unit in Idaho. It's known for producing trophy mulies, so he has high hopes! He'll be hunting with a colleague from work who knows the area really well. This year the deer won't be as lucky as he's going with a rifle instead of the trusty bow...I'll keep you posted on how that goes!)
- ??? Days until the remodel is finished
(I guess you could say we're about 75% complete. The project list still includes: finish bathroom floor, tile tub deck and shower surround, trim bathroom, tile laundry room floor, carpet installed in basement, trim basement, paint doors and trim, touch up paint....ok, maybe 75% is a stretch! The good news is we have a working toilet and sinks upstairs now!)
-7 hours
(The amount of sleep I will get if I go to bed right now (and if Eli sleeps through the night!)
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