7 Birthdays
*Our niece, Bella, turned 1. Eli and Bella are finally at the age where they notice each other.
Here's Eli at the party with Uncle Ryan.
*Shane's little sis, Melissa, turned the big 21! (We celebrated after Bella's party.)
We had a joint celebration on April 6th at my Mom and Dad's for the April b-days in my family...
*My Dad celebrated his 53rd birthday.
*Our nephew, Kailer, turned 2.
*My cousin Amy turned 26.
*Yours truly turned 27. (Shane took me out to Thai food and ice cream on my actual birthday. He also surprised me with a new camera. Now I just have to figure out all the finer points of operating it...)
*And of course we can't forget Eli! He shared my birthday-he turned 7 months old on April 21!
2 Ear Infections
It wasn't a very healthy month in our household! After recuperating from his first cold, Eli came down with a double ear infection. Luckily we caught it before we left for Hawaii, but I was paranoid that the flight would hurt his little ears. His fever finally came down the night before we flew out and he actually slept almost the entire flight to Honolulu. THEN on the way home, Shane started getting sick. Turns out he also had a double ear infection and a sinus infection. He's finally starting to feel better now. My poor guys!
One Wedding
My little, baby brother is all grown up! Dan and Brynn were married on April 5th in Centrailia. Brynn compliments Dan in so many ways and I know they're so happy to have found each other! Welcome to the family Brynn!

I got to exercise my rusty florist skills! Making the corsages, boutonnieres and bride's bouquet was a fun and crafty break from dishes and laundry. (The flowers were all silk, so I was able to do them all ahead of time.) The wedding decor turned out pretty cool-it was rustic/woodsy themed and their colors were camouflage (yep-you read that right!), and browns and greens.
My Mom did it again! She both designed and made their beautiful wedding cake. Someday I'm going to take lessons! (The "P" is for my family's last name-not sure that it matters if I post it or not, but everyone always says to use first name only on your blog...)
Dan and Brynn's first dance. Unfortunately, this is the only picture I got of the two of them together!!
It was so touching to watch Dan and my Mom throughout the day. I guess I just kept thinking, "Someday, that could be me watching my little Eli get married."
Eli has lots of adoring fans! This is our sweet little niece, Madision.
Eli and Auntie Sara
Could it really be almost 7 years ago that it was us getting married?!
Eli met his Great Grandma Dee for the first time!
Too cute for words!
Bath time with cousin Maddy.
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