Friday, November 30, 2012

Summer, 2012 Style:Part 1

What we did this summer:
Spent precious time with sweet cousins...

Dug right into the growing season...

learned a lot about borrowing and renting rototillers.  finally decided purchased my very own!

Mowed...a lot! ...

When we were inside (which wasn't much!), we:

built roads and cities...

as well as special transports for Lambie...

and forts.  lots and lots of forts. and learned how to...

...hitch rides...

Took some special trips. Panned for gold with help from Papa...

spied big bucks and pirates...

loved not having to wear shoes or shirts...

celebrated our independence...

and waited somewhat patiently for fireworks...

spent hours taking pretend road trips (until mommy discovered 5 cd's in the cd player. at once.)...

Hit the road for some real road trips, too; including a trip to Point Defiance. At the zoo we...

bravely conquered the camel ride!

indulged in sweet treats...

bonded with special cousins...

marveled at little feathered friends...

and big furry ones...

wondered at the magic of underwater life...

and remembered the day this sweet girl was born 8 years ago...

Spent time with Nana and Papa and especially enjoyed the part where we went fishing with Papa...

and this sweet little cousin ...

As many moments as we could, escaped to the beach...

or park...

or woods...

...reveled in our best growing season, both vegetables and flowers...

made the most of our backyard firepit...

had spontaneous get-togethers with friends...

and fell in love all over again with our little acre and all the goodness it brings...

But that's not even the entire summer!  There's a small matter of increasing the storage here on this little blog
(5 years of moments and milestones and the history of our day to day lives apparently adds up-even when you randomly post.) and then I'll be back with the rest of summer.  And oh, yes, fall, too.