I've digressed to my old ways...2 months without a post. Sadly, that's not even a record for me. It's been business as usual around here, but we are trying so hard to strike that balance between work and fun. I couldn't help but revisit the plans we laid out earlier this summer. And you know I couldn't resist checking off a few items...
Cut and stack enough firewood to refill the woodshed.
Repair rotten boards on garage siding.
Add gutters to woodshed.
Repair and repaint siding on south side of house.
Till, compost, and plant new annual plot and pumpkin patch.
Build roadside stand for selling flowers.
Build and paint sandwich board for stand.
Finish top dressing perennial beds.
Finish painting basement.
Paint the chicken coop.
Caulk and repaint porch stairs.
Stain swingset.
Sand and repaint the pile of hoarded furniture in the garage.
Have a garage sale.
Mow field, rototil, and plant with cover crop.
Sand and paint interior stairs-both sets.
We're fitting in more time for fun too....

Skipping rocks in a "stream" at our hotel in Arizona.
Slowly, we're ticking off our wish list for summer fun, too...
Go on picnics.
Hike at Mt. Baker.
Take a day trip to San Juans.
Keep fresh flowers on our nightstand.
Invite friends over for ice cream-preferrably on a whim.
Hang laundry outside to dry.
Skip rocks at the beach.
Fish with Papa. (Eli's addition.)
Pick strawberries.
Pick blueberries.
Camp at Camano State Park.
Camp in our backyard.
Go to the fair and eat elephant ears.
Visit friends in Chelan.
Camp at Swakayne.
Go swimming in our inflatable pool.
Stay up late and roast marshmallows. (Eli's addition.)
Go to the Arlington Fly In.
Go to Chloe's beach. (Eli's addition.)
A family vacation to Arizona, a trip to the zoo, swimming with friends, 4th July bbq and fireworks, building fairy houses, and perfecting the mud pie weren't on the original list but have fit quite nicely too!