Eli is such a great big brother! When he wakes up in the morning or after a nap, the first thing he asks is, "Were Emmett go?" (Where did Emmett go?) Then he snuggles right up to Emmett's head (he always rubs his cheek on Emmett's hair) and exclaims, "Hi yil buhee!" (hi little buddy!). It is so precious! Eli has been doing so many funny things lately...I really need to write them down daily! He's really into pretend play right now and is absolutely Shane's shadow whenever he is home.
Emmett is such a precious little baby! It's amazing how we can't even picture our family without him! He is easily soothed, loves to eat and so far is doing pretty well with sleep. He has had a few 6 hour stretches at night, so of course I'm hoping for more of those! At his 2 week well baby check (which was actually at 3 weeks...the unfortunate thing about having a popular doctor) he weighed 9 pounds, 4 ounces and measured 22 1/2 inches!
I'll try to get a few more pictures of his first month on, but no promises! We are definitely falling into a routine, but it mostly involves laundry, meals, house cleaning, doctor's visits, story time at the library, and a walk and a playdate here and there. I haven't quite figured out how to squeeze much else into our day! :-)