We got to spend Thanksgiving break at my mom and dad's with ALL of my immediate family! My mom took the opportunity to schedule a family photo shoot. Take a peek at my crazy, wonderful, fun-loving, amazing family...

Just waiting patiently (at least that's what it looks like!)

Here are all of the cousins. From left to right; Kailer, Rylee, Madison, Lilly and Eli.

My wonderful parents.

My brother Dan, his wife Brynn and their daughter Rylee.

My sister Sara, her husband Luke and their daughter Madison.

Posing for photos can be perilous...Luke and Sara accidentally dropped Maddy (hence the muddy knee.) Luckily all involved thought it was hilarious!

Shane, Eli and me and baby hiding under the sweater.

My sister Heather, her husband Andy and their kids Lilly and Kailer.