Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Potty Mouth!

Eli has certainly proved that he is developing a sense of humor. For the past few weeks, he has loved to go through the list of names that he knows, asking where each person is. Usually it goes like this...."Dayee? (Daddy), Mayee? (Maddy) Jor? (Jordan, Maddy's brother), Em? (Maddy's sister) Bayee? (Bailey, our dog), Bayin? (Braden, he's buddy he shares Maddy with), and so on.

However, today he decided to take a little venture into the land of bathroom humor. After each person's name, he now asks, "Toot??"...."Mayee, toot? Dayee, toot? Bayee, toot?" and so forth. He's even brought his Lambie into the little joke. How exactly do you firmly correct your child when you are laughing behind your hand??

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Eli's 2 Year Portraits

Some friends taught Eli how to "raise the roof"...it's pretty cute.
This was the second time we got a photographer who was a complete dud. She just stared at him and kept asking if I could get him to smile...lucky for me, Eli was feeling cooperative and eventually warmed up to the idea! And for those who don't know, Eli comes from a heritage of hunter's so the Coon skin cap, camo, and bow were a must!